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Federal Programs

Welcome to Federal Programs

Federal Title I funds for school improvement are assigned to all three schools in the Jessieville School District. Jessieville Elementary and Middle Schools are both Schoolwide Title I schools and the High School is Targeted-Assisted.

The District and Schools establish a school improvement committee composed of administrators, teachers, support staff, parents, and community representatives. The ACSIP model, NWEA Assessments, and state-mandated testing results are used to address improvements in the focus areas of literacy and mathematics. The data analysis is used to identify individual students and subpopulations that are underachieving. This analysis of data is also used to identify possible gaps in areas of the curriculum. Research-based schoolwide programs are then chosen and implemented at the school using Title I funds to improve instruction and student achievement. Parent/student/teacher compacts are designed at each Title I school to support the student achievement initiatives. 

Title II A funds are used to provide professional development to maintain highly qualified teachers and administrators.

Title III, Limited English Proficient (LEP), funds are used to carry out high-quality language instruction educational programs for LEP children.

Contact Information

Melissa Speers
(501) 984.5381 Ext 1014